Monday, February 8, 2016

Found some Pretty Sweet People

Well I promised to write a good email this least I think I did, but either way it will be a good email this week!
So between us and the Zone leaders this week we made a goal to teach 100 lessons....which is quite a lot. However...we were not victorious. Yeah kind of started out in a sad way. And it is unfortunate when you aren't able to accomplish a goal, but we learned a whole lot. Also early on in the week we decided to make it about people, and not lessons. Which is probably the most important thing. We made each lesson a lot more meaningful, which was real good. And.....WE STILL FOUND SOME PRETTY SWEET PEOPLE!!! Who are: Brenden(he is really chill guy, who originally wanted to talk to us because he is related to Porter Rockwell! And when we met, he was super interested in it all and really willing to try it out!) Bryan(We originally met this guy my first day here in we gave him a call[Elder Richter was feeling inspired to do so] and he was totally willing to meet again! We met with him twice and he is even better than he was before!) Marissa(met her on grounds, started teaching her the Restoration while we were walking, we got to her bus stop, kept teaching her then her bus was a little scary I admit, then she said "oh no I don't have to go I can take the next bus"....WOW super cool.) It was really awesome.

Other things that happened in the week....WE HAD INTERVIEWS! With our Misson president, it was real great talking with him seeing how I can improve.

IT WAS ELDER RICHTER'S BIRTHDAY! So to celebrate, we went to Peter Chang's which is this Chinese Restaurant, which according to one of our Chinese friends is the most was really good. And fun to celebrate with him and some other members.

Um....sorry but unfortunately, I am not that great at writing things like this. But it was a great week! Also I have been a missionary for 5 months! Kind of exciting I suppose. Everything is going wonderful here! Being a missionary is great! Also for all you in Lehi, may have mentioned this, but Elder Galloway(Brady Galloway) is in my Zone! pretty exciting.

Spiritual scripture sharing time thing.
So not sure the exact scripture reference, but it is in 1 Nephi 8, 11, 12 or somewhere. It is when Nephi is receiving the interpretation of the vision of the Tree of Life. And the river represents the depths of hell. And an interesting twist, or different way of thinking about it, is because Lehi is from Jerusalem, it is pretty dry, so you can think of the river being caused by a flash flood(by the way I didn't come up with this, this happened during church) and sometimes in life we are holding to the iron rod, and life is going swell, and we don't see any immediate danger, and we become complacent, and slack off, and kind of hold to the rod sometimes let go, grab on again. And then the flash flood comes, and if we aren't everyday clinging to the rod, the river will carry us away. Pray everyday. Read everyday. Everyday strengthen your relationship with God, and when the river does come, you won't be swept away. However we all fall away at times, and that is why we have Jesus Christ.(check out Alma 36 18-20) Jesus Christ is always there as our lifeline when we need him. All we have to do is reach out and grab it.

Love you all! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is restored! Look and pray for missionary opportunities everyday, and I promise you that you will see them!

-Elder Smith =D

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