Monday, May 22, 2017

We went to grounds (UVA) to contact, which felt really good with Elder Snow, for some reason going out with him is so great. It was also good there was a good number of Chinese people there. Then, a really cool thing happened. A family was taking a picture, so we asked if we could help. After the picture Elder Snow heard them speaking Chinese and asked if they spoke Chinese, and they did. Then one of the first things the daughter asks is if we are from the Mormon church. We say we are and she explains she did an exchange in Utah for a year and attended the Mormon church. Then we ask where...and anyone reading this might not believe it, but she was in Lehi!!! Wow, I didn't react too crazily, but writing this down it is hard to believe. She went to Rockwell charter school, which I'm not sure where that is, but it was really, really lol. She said that she had some friends that went to Lehi High. The parents were really nice too, and she had a Chinese Book of Mormon, and it was home. We pulled one out and the parents said it was the same book they had at their house. Wow, it was really cool, then we talked a little bit more about our church and what we do, then we gave them all of the pamphlets, which was pretty cool. They are visiting for graduation, which made sense to give them all the pamphlets so they can read them on their own. Wow, it was really cool, then we got a picture, even though I'm not sure we ever got their name. Too bad she is moving to San Francisco, and the parents go back to China, but it was cool to talk with them.

-Elder FoundMyLaoXiang

We went out with Wang Laoshi( she taught at MTC, now lives in Statford). We went to grounds and met lots of people. We showed her some things as well. It was really good. She is cool, it was kind of unique because Elder Snow loves to talk, as does Wang I didn't say much as we contacted. We tried going downtown as well which was good. Then we went to meet with Young, however he didn't show up. Our Gezi was fanged...or however you say that. It is an idiom in Chinese meaning you got stood up, Wang Laoshi taught us that. She definitely really, really loves doing missionary work. Elder Snow says she is addicted to it.

 Went to teach Yangli Jing, which was really exciting because Aldous really likes Elder Snow (Aldous is her son that last December wanted to join a church so Elder Snow was teaching him however he was transferred soon after.) So we get there, and both Yangli Jing and Aldous are there, and she has this really good lemon, mint and honey it was really tasty. So because of Aldous's homework, we decided to share a message/teach him before helping Yangli Jing with her English. So we ask kind of what he believes, and he says something in Chinese I only understood parts. Something like there is an Ultimate truth, and that different religions can be true even with different beliefs, and that he wants a religion with the ultimate truth. It was somewhat confusing. Then Wang Laoshi and Elder Snow kind of co-teach, after a long discussion we get into the Plan of Salvation. Wang Laoshi leads and the other two of us help teach. There was a cool part where Yangli Jing was really amazed by the resurrection. She was surprised, because she hadn't heard yet that everyone would be resurrected. She also hadn't heard any of Aldous's beliefs either. It was a good Plan of Salvation lesson. Aldous understood it. Then he said he believed it, but he said that he believes many things can be true. Which was interesting, not exactly what we wanted. However, Wang Laoshi gave him two really good invites, one to pray every day and two to read the Book of Mormon every day and that would help him find truth. We gave him 2 Nephi 2 and Alma 40-41. As well to look at according to his curiosity. It's was good. After that, well it was good because he wants to learn. However Yangli Jing was a little saddened we couldn't help her English, so we answered a few questions about some idioms. 

-Elder WangLaoShi#YrrtInSouthernUtah

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