Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy New Years

Well Happy New Year as well as 4 months being a missionary! It is really great being a missionary.But this week unfortunately wasn't too exciting, so this will be a fairly short email. \

This week it seemed that everyone was destined to get sick, at first Elder Wheeler(our Zone Leader) was sick so we did some switched around and did emergency exchanges and stuff...then the next few days my companion got again we did some emergency exchanges....and that lasted a few days....then I got sick...but luckily not sick enough to do exchanges, so that was good. The work here right now is still pretty slow because the college is still on break, but it is warming up a bit, actually had a pretty cool experience we were on grounds to see if anyone had started to come back, and there weren't that many people, but we stopped this girl and I asked "Have you talked to missionaries before?" And she said she had...and it was with was quite embarrassing...because I didn't remember her at all....and I had no idea what to say(my companion was on the phone at this time, also he didn't know her because I met her on exchanges) and then she explained a bit what we talked about, and then told me her name was Blanche. And then I remembered her which was a relief. And it was great that we were able to see her again! I thought she was going to be gone for all of winter break, but nope! It was really awesome, and we were able to set up another appointment, and because of winter break she is mostly free! It is super awesome(also she is Chinese which is cool!) but yeah, we are really excited to teach her. Yeah super awesome.

Also another interesting thing, yesterday we went to a Catholic Mass with one of our investigators, and it was really interesting, way different than our sacrament meetings, much more ritualistic, but it was an interesting experience, and we aren't exactly sure what to do with this investigator we have right now, we are trying to teach him, but he also kind of seems to convert us...but we will see what happens.

Oh one more thing! Ate some Chinese food this week! I ate what they call a youzi, or something like that, or a Chinese grapfruit, it is about the size of cantoloupe, and pretty much a really big grapefruit, it was pretty good, and cool to eat some Chinese food, maybe it will help me learn Chinese haha.

Well despite the hardships of missionary work, it is still wonderful, and great to be a missionary!(also for those from Lehi/Westlake there is a Sister Dawdy in our Zone Right now who went to Westlake, I didn't know her, but maybe one of you do!)
This Church is True! Living the Gospel brings blessings! Look for the Lord's hand in your life! I promise it is there! If have trouble seeing his hand, look at yourself to see what you can do better to see his hand!
I Love You All!
-Elder Smith

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